
Corporate law

Civil law notary Mr D.O. (Daniel) Ohmann has extensive experience in the area of notarial corporate law.

He can assist you with the incorporation of your B.V., foundation or association, the transfer of shares, mergers, demergers and take overs, legalization of documents and amendment of your articles of association.

He is a specialist in advising government institutions and semi-government institutions, national and international companies and non-profit institutions, particularly in terms of governance issues and restructuring processes. In addition, he regularly advises on the setting up of public-private partnerships.

Daniel’s recent work includes advising:

  • A foreign enterprise with setting up its activities in the Netherlands;
  • Two foreign enterprises with setting up their joint-venture in the Netherlands;
  • A foreign enterprise with the liquidation of its activities in the Netherlands;
  • A family foundation on the consequences of the Fourth Anti-Money Laundering Directive and the Act on Management and Supervision for Dutch legal entities;]
  • Several expats on estate planning issues.