
Real Estate Law

Ohmann Notariaat has broad experience in coordinating and leading property transactions. Below you will find an overview of the services offered by us.


If you buy a house or an apartment you will have to take several important decisions. A good written record of all arrangements with the seller is of great importance. We will be happy to accompany you with the purchase of your house, so that the key exchange can take place without any problems. Amongst others we can assist you with the drafting or the assessing of the purchase agreement. After the purchase agreement has been signed, a notarial deed of transfer has to be prepared. In this deed, it is concluded that buyer and seller have complied with all obligations arising from the purchase agreement, so that the transfer can take place. After execution, the notarial deed of transfer is registered in the Dutch Land Registry, after which the ownership passes on the buyer.


For the financing of your house, most of the times you will take out a loan from a bank. In order to secure repayment of the loan, the bank will ask you to grant the bank a right of mortgage. This can be done via a notarial deed of mortgage. We take care of the drafting and execution of this notarial deed and we will assist you with the financial settlement of the transfer of your house.


Complex transactions are understood to be the transfer of an enterprise, of a company building, of a plot of land intended for construction projects or the resale of a registered property. In that case complex legal and tax issues will arise. Is VAT due? Or transfer tax? Or maybe both? What is the best solution? Our office can advise you on these matters. Furthermore we can advise you on the transfer of your home to your children in the context of estate planning.


Our office can assist you with the division of your property in apartment rights, for both new constructions and existing constructions. On the basis of a drawing of the division (‘splitsingstekening’) and your further wishes, we can draft a deed of division or a deed of amendment of the division (including regulations). We also assist you with the incorporation of the association of co-owners and the registration thereof with the Chamber of Commerce.


In case of the purchase of a new construction not only a purchase agreement but also a building agreement will have to be concluded. These agreements will be incorporated in one agreement: a purchase and building contract. General conditions will be a part of such an agreement. Our office can inform you about these conditions and all other, additional complex aspects, such as the security deposit, the construction deposit, the delivery regulation, the construction times, the construction interest and the legal and tax consequences in case of a possible further sale.


If you would like to work out arrangements with your neighbours on the use of adjacent parcels, we can assist you with the notarial deed of easement. An example might be the right of way(‘recht van overpad’), the right of unobstructed view and the right of access. Would you like to redeem an easement or to secure an easement for the future? Did the situation change and do the existing arrangements need to be altered? We will be happy to assist you with all your questions.


Leasehold is the right to use the land of someone else. For this right the leaseholder pays an annual fee. The annual fee can be redeemed for a certain period. We can assist you with the necessary notarial documentation for the lease of your land. We can also assist you with an amendment of your lease conditions.

If you have any queries, please feel free to contact us via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 0031-(0)70 5123133.